“Shape of You” is sung by a male in the 1st person point of view, which does not line up with Regis’s definition of a romance as a story about one or more heroines.
“Come over and start up a conversation with just me”–These lines depict the Meeting, which is Regis’s 2nd essential element. The presumed heroine begins talking to the hero in a bar.
“And then we start to dance, and now I’m singing like/Girl, you know I want your love”–This shows the 4th essential element, the Attraction between the hero and heroine. Throughout the song, both the hero and heroine repeat how attracted they are to the other with the repetition of this pre-chorus section. Since the song is mostly about physical connection and intercourse, attraction is a major theme.
“I’m in love with the shape of you…Although my heart is falling too/I’m in love with your body”–These lines appear to represent Regis’s 5th essential element, the Declaration of love by the hero to the heroine. However, the hero is only saying that he loves the shape/body of the heroine. He mentions that his “heart is falling” as well, but it is not emphasized nearly as much as his attraction to the heroine’s body. This is the main declaration present in the song, but it does not completely line up with Regis’s definition of the Declaration in a romance.
“Come on, be my baby, come on” (x8)–This section of lines fits as the Barrier, Regis’s 3rd element. Since the hero repeatedly asks the heroine to be his “baby,” listeners can assume that the heroine may be hesitant or unwilling to be with the hero. Directly after this, the chorus section is repeated, and the lines “I’m in love with the shape of you…I’m in love with your body” are sang again, showing another Declaration of love. However, this is not exactly the Recognition of how to overcome the barrier or the Betrothal.
Due to the lack of essential elements, focus on a male hero, and emphasis on sexual attraction and relations, Regis would not consider “Shape of You” a romance.